angelique's pretty storage chests

i received a few pretty hacks from angelique who transformed plain pine toy boxes into really good looking storage. i love the fern technique and the decoupage of the mother and baby bird is just too cute.

"purchased at ikea as a plain pine toy chest (can't find the link). i decorated it using an old victorian technique: stuck fern fronds to the wood surface using spray adhesive, then stippled around them with black paint and polyurethaned over the whole thing.

same technique on plain pine ikea frames.

another ikea toy chest, painted and decoupaged. this one is shallower than the fern chest so it is more like a bench, and the original finish was a dark stain. (note: ikea toy and curtains in this shot, too!)

the ubiquitous ikea kids' table and chairs, painted."

visit angelique's blog or explore her gorgeous flickr set.
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