another winning stolmen media unit

i'm loving this media cabinet with matching bedside table from susan, who blogs at

"i wanted something long, linear, and floating on the wall, definitely not something connected/anchored to the floor. this provides great storage, at a height that is well above the normal dresser, it's a very comfortable height, it's close to 36" off the floor, the top of it. i had countertops left over from a previous project, so used those to put on top of the wardrobe (stolmen) cabinets. they are mahogany. there are holes at the top of the wardrobes, so a countertop is necessary to hide them.

it makes the room look huge, as it is very linear, and it's simple and useful, especially with the hand cutouts. i also considered stacking one above the other or using other combinations, but ended up with this combination. we love it. these are frequently out of stock, so you have to get them when you see them. they are supported with angle brackets on the inside, attached to studs in the wall. the cable tv box goes under the center wardrobe cabinet."

other stolmen media storage hacks:
> brett's stolmen tv bench
> hang up your tv with stolmen poles
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  1. I wanted to have those kind of cabinets for my daughter's room. I checked high end to specialty and the only one that answered me was Lafata cabinets and they wanted to charge me $2200 per each 5 door chest?

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