a chocolate slipcover for liz and cthulhu?

we have entries!

liz andrade & her cat, cthulhu need help to salvage their klippan sofa. if you think liz and kitty deserve the prize, give them a vote.

need some more reasons? ...ok, let's see, i'm sure i could get this to an even dozen.

7. i'm so over the red.
8. cat hair will show up less on the baroque chocolate brown pattern.
9. the chocolate brown will match my hair, and how cute would that be?
10. i'm a web designer and programmer from seattle, i spend a lot of time on my laptop sitting on my couch.
11. i was very unpopular as a kid.
12. please.

the 2 bemz slipcovers (she can't decide!) she would love to win.

want to win $500 to spend at bemz? here's how to send in your entry.
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