turn servers into planters

monkeyengine has a neat idea of turning serving bowls into hanging planters. since i've never met a plant hanger i liked this definitely opens up a lot of possibilities for me and my balcony.

monkeyengine writes: "so, if you're like me, you're fond of hanging things. bikes, tables, anything you can suspend from the ceiling rather than set on the floor is a big plus in my world. it follows that i'm rather partial to hanging plants. the problem is that most hanging pots/baskets/etc. are macramé monstrosities, coconut fiber sieves or otherwise fall short of my expectations for decor.

hanging planterstainless steel hanging planterwhich is where ikea figures in. the blanda blank series of bowls seems to beg for repurposing. so i did. with a bit of hardware from my other endeavors, i made slings from stainless cables and with some epoxy, eye straps and shackles the bowls became the hanging plant containers i've always wanted."
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