HomeGoods Spring Challenge!

Well helloooo and welcome to SPRING!! Isn’t it fantastic? It’s about darn time, that’s all I gotta say. (Although I see many of you got SNOW this weekend. For once, we had gorgeous weather!)

First of all –- the winner of Donna G.’s photography print is Stacey from The Blessed Nest! (Stacey has a beautiful site, check it out!) Congrats Stacey! Email me and I’ll get you in touch with Donna.

OK, onto more fun! I’ve been chomping at the bit to tell you about this one, cause it’s going to be FUN! If you’ve read this blog for a while, you know how much I love HomeGoods. I was just there today, in fact! (I’ll show you my latest find soon.) I can’t resist it’s pull, try as I might. ;)

Well, HomeGoods has a fantastic spring challenge starting tomorrow that I know you’ll love:


I am SO excited to be a judge for the HomeGoods Happy Spring Challenge! Each week over the next six weeks, HomeGoods will announce a new “Spring Trend that Makes Us Happy” on their Openhouse Blog, Facebook, and Twitter pages.

For a chance to win, you are invited to share your take on each weekly trend and how you use it to create a happy expression of your personal style. Your submission can be a picture from your home, a product, a mood board, fabric you think represents the trend...really anything you wish…be creative!

The prizes are FAB!! Every Monday, they’ll announce the winner who will receive one of the HomeGoods items reflecting that trend AND a $100 HomeGoods gift card! Also, that week’s winner is automatically in the running for the $5,000 HomeGoods shopping spree.

Um, did you hear that? FIVE GRAND BABY! Do you KNOW how much you could get at HomeGoods for $5,000??

Here are the details:

  • For six weeks, HomeGoods will announce one trend per week on 9 a.m. EST Monday.
  • Contestants can submit photos from Monday morning through 5 p.m. EST on Friday.
  • They’ll announce the weekly winner and the next trend on Monday morning and the process begins again.
  • You can enter at the HomeGoods Openhouse Blog, Facebook, and Twitter pages starting tomorrow!

But guess what the best part is? (At least for me, and a few of you!) I have a few $50 gift cards to giveaway to you, my Squeezies!! To kick off the week, I’m giving away one of them. Woohoo!

What better way to start off spring than with $50 to spend as you wish at HomeGoods?

All you gotta do is leave a comment here. That’s it! I’ll leave this one open until Tuesday at noon.

And for more chances to win, two of my bloggy friends are also giving away $50 gift cards -- Susan at Between Naps on the Porch and Melissa at The Inspired Room. Make the rounds and check them out!! ;) Have fun!

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