A spring table

 birdyWell, it’s in the 70’s here today, and the weather has been glorious for weeks now – SO unlike the Midwest. I’m crossing fingers and toes that there is no more snow! Puhhhleaze? Considering it’s supposed to be 84 degrees here tomorrow, you’d think we’re safe.

When I showed you the cute little Dollar Tree bird in this post, I told you I had some ideas in mind for others as well. I was so sure my idea would be adorable, I drove back to the dollar store at 8:55 that night, grabbing the last few I could find. (So sorry if you were looking for them…)  ;)

My idea was to use them on the dining room table. The bowls I bought last year for the place settings (from Pier 1) have been such fun to decorate with each holiday/season!

My first thought was to nestle them into some Spanish moss, but then I had a bit of a freak out that the moss would stain the white bowls. Probably wouldn’t – but my freak out made the end result even better!

To protect the bowl, I first used crinkled up tissue paper and made a “nest” – but then it hit me. What’s natural, springy, pretty and moss-stain protecting? Burlap baby! And I already had it!:

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I have six little birds total, but I am using a couple elsewhere, so I still needed to fill two place settings.

When Maryann posted her twine/jute covered eggs back in February, I was HOOKED. I am a sucker for jute. I don’t know what it is – but I love it on just about anything.

So I made some of my own jute covered eggs a few weeks ago – just using plastic Easter eggs we had and hot glue. Fareee!

Last week I found some white yarn in my craft stuff and covered a couple with that as well:

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Warning:  This cuteness takes foreva and a day to attain. I think about 15 minutes per egg. But it’s good mind-numbing activity while I watch my shows. ;)

I wanted to keep the centerpiece simple but wanted to add a little somethin’. I found some mossy “blanket” stuff at Joann’s today that was perfect to line the bottom:


I just cut it to fit and I love it! It was pricey -- $9 – but it is reusable.

A couple weeks ago I decided to start using a few of the candle holders as vases, so I’ve been filling a few of them:


If you look carefully you can see the toys on the floor…shhhhh. Nothing but the best for you all!

I had forgotten what a great deal flowers are at Trader Joe’s until my friend Kate mentioned it. (You must see her dining room. Swoon.)

Some of these have lasted for two weeks now! The tulips were $10 for 20. Hard to beat!:

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I absolutely love how fresh and bright the table is!


    060 And I wuv you, you cute little birdies! Kisses!

087I  have BIG plans for our hutch – I can’t wait to get working on it. I don’t know if it’s going to work, but I’ll let you know, of course.  (And no, I’m not painting it!)

To see how I made the centerpiece, go here.

For a recap of the dining room redo, go here.

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