Vinyl Love

  Are you a vinyl luva like me? I think the vinyl wording and designs that have been gaining popularity over the past few years are just so FUN to use around the house.

Recently I’ve been wondering if they are here to stay, and then I saw two episodes of Divine Design where Candice Olsen used vinyl on the walls – and I figured I’m good to go for quite a while. I mean, if Candice is using it…I’m safe. ;)

I know you can easily go overboard with the stuff – using a bit of restraint with vinyl on your walls is not a bad thing. But there is such a huge variety of it out there now, it’s so easy to make it work with your decor. And it’s not only words anymore – the vinyl I see now is more like art, for sure!

What I love about vinyl is anyone can use it, in just about any room. Even if you rent, you can put it up, then just peel it off when you move. Or, you can mount it on a piece of wood and move it around as you wish. I’ve been doing that more and more -- if I think I’ll ever want to reuse one somewhere else, I find ways to make it movable.

The giraffe growth chart from Uppercase Living is too cute! I just love it, and I wanted to make sure it could go with us if we ever left this house:

You’ll notice there’s still not one measurement on there. ;) Why have a growth chart with no “growth” on it?

Because it’s CAUTE! That’s why.

I have a few phrases on our walls that are the perfect finishing touch – I’ve shown  you the photo wall on our staircase:

The playroom has a sweet saying I just love:

And the vinyl saying in our laundry room almost makes laundry fun:

OK, I’m totally lying. Nothing makes laundry fun. NOTHING. (By the way, all three of those sayings were from Uppercase Living.)

I got the saying for our black door in the garage from a local signage shop:

It was super cheap and FAST. I am insanely, ridiculously impatient and this one was right up my alley.

OH! I almost forgot the front door! It’s a custom Welcome I had made:DSC02273 Obviously, this picture is from fall. But I love the porch during that season, so there. you. go.

But my latest vinyl find is one of my favorites. My friend Krista is just as in love with this stuff as I am, and she found an adorable vinyl clock on clearance at Stein Mart ($15 I think?) a couple months ago. I had to go get one. Had. to.

I could not resist it. I mean, seriously. It has the cutest little animals you ever did see:

Could you just die? Because it was so cute, I wanted to make sure we could keep this one and move it around if needed.

I got a two by two foot board at Lowe’s for $5, and had them cut it down just a bit to 22 by 22 inches. I painted it white, and once it had cured, we started putting the vinyl on:


This one was a bit more involved than most – you have to kind of layer the pieces. But the Bub helped me decide where to place the animals and we had fun doing it. ;)

Then I finished it off by framing it out with some scraps of molding from the garage:

(I didn’t even fill the holes. Don’t tell.)

I adore it!


There is a wall in our loft/hall/playroom that has always called out for something, but the light switch made most items look odd up so high.

For some reason, I think this works perfectly, even up higher than I would normally put it:

Probably because it is so gosh darn cute!! Even hubby thinks it’s totally adorable. :)

(Oh yeah. I see you, you ugly brass knob. Your days are numbered. For real this time.)

So what do you think? Do you have vinyl in your home? Do you have a favorite?

Check out two of my advertisers, Single Stone Studios (we have a great giveaway coming up soon) and EAD Designs for some fantastic vinyl art!

I will announce the winner of the HomeGoods gift card tomorrow! (You can keep entering until noon.)

P.S. I believe I said “vinyl” about 82 times.

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