We hopped! And SHOPPED!

OH my goodness! We had the BEST day on Saturday! My friend Beckie and I were so excited the Goodwill Shop and Hop had finally arrived –- even if it was the first day in forever it was cold and rainy. Boo hiss!

We still had a BLAST! I am happy to announce there was no cat fighting or hair pulling and ZERO knocking each other to the ground to get to an item – at least I’m pretty sure.  ;)

We started out at Buca’s for some scrumptious lunch and great conversation:

Then we were off to hop around to four local Goodwill locations to find some treasures!

I had this fantastic idea that I would video tape everyone while they shopped and put a cutie little video together…and then…well, then the Goodwill trance came over me every time we walked in! I was on a mission!! :)

I caught a few pics of some of the lovely ladies shopping:

Heather (on the right) scored some FAB vintage cola crates at one stop – for $6.99 each!! Eek! They were AWESOME!

The Nester  even came!:

Ha! Just kidding! But seriously, all day long I was like, “Oh, hey, I didn’t know Nester drove up for this!” And then, “OH YEAH, it’s Megan.” ;) (Isn’t she cute?)

The rain sure didn’t stop us. We looked like drowned rats by the end of the day, (at least I did), but we persevered!:

We all hit it off immediately, and I felt like we all walked away friends:

Nothing like a great day shopping to make you bond. :)

MANY thanks to our sponsors – we had a KILLER swag bag!:

Thanks so much to Gorilla Glue, 3M, Behr Paint, Mod Podge, Krylon and Eclectic Cabinets Knobs and Decor. The 3M painters tape (my favorite!) is coming in REAL handy during the Bub’s room redo!

Sooooo…what did I get?

First, this gorgeous artichoke/sparkly/pearly thing:

Isn’t it fantastic?

Hardy har har! I kid! I kid! I had to take a picture of that beauty. It just goes to show, if you look past items like that, you can find little bits of lovely, like these 50 cent storage jars:

These will be perfect in my craft room!

I could not resist these cutie little juice glasses:

They look vintage, but are in perfect condition, so I’m not sure. (They were only 50 cents each!)

This doodad was $3 and I’m still not sure what I’m doing with it:

But I think I have something in mind. ;)

I spent most of my time looking for hardback books in specific colors for the Bub’s room:

It took some time because the titles of the books had to be ones that would be appropriate for a toddler’s room. Those little details matter to me – didn’t want The Shining or something like that on his shelves.  :)

I think with a coat of paint over the brass, these could be adorable:

A buck each!

Same goes for this little lamp for the Bub’s desk:

Paint and a new lamp shade will do the trick!

Hidden away on a bottom shelf in the corner of one store, I found these huge storage bins from Target for $5 each:

I grabbed a couple, and skipped away to show everybody, and then found at least three others who had found them as well! (It pays to look in corners!)

We had SO much fun! Check out Beckie’s site for more great pics! She and I want to thank you all so much for joining us ladies! We hope to do this event twice a year, so we’ll let you know soon when we schedule the next one. And as we get pictures of everyone’s finds and transformations, we’ll be sure to share them!

BIG thanks to Buca’s and Goodwill Industries of Central Indiana as well. Both were awesome to work with.

The Thirty-One giveaway is open through Tuesday at noon, so check it out if you haven’t yet!

I’ll be back tomorrow with a peek into the big boy room. I am LOVING it.


Thank you to my sponsor:

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