Because I’m nice

This giveaway is now closed.

I’m doing another giveaway this weekend for my final $50 HomeGoods gift card!!

Whoo to the hoo!!

I’ve had a blast judging entries for the HomeGoods Spring Challenge over the past few weeks! I’m always blown away by everyone’s creativity.

There is one week left of the challenge – for more info on how to win some great prizes and a ton o’ moola, go here.

For a chance to win a $50 HomeGoods gift card, just leave a comment here this weekend.

I’m trying to think of a way to make this one entertaining but I’m at a loss. It’s late. And I’ve been spray painting all day. Lost brain cells? Maybe.

**Disclaimer: I always spray paint in a well ventilated area and you should too.
This Chick is not liable for the loss of your brain cells.

Maybe tell me a joke.

Or tell everyone about a blog you love (no, I don’t mean me!) and spread some bloggy love.

Or just say “hi.”

Whateva. Leave a comment and I’ll pick a winner on Monday.

Have a great weekend!

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