Convert 2 Vikare beds into a bunk

Materials: Vikare children's bed

Description: After the twins grew out of their baby beds I swapped the beds for two Vikare beds. It was not a comfortable solution as the room is very small. So I decided to build a bunk of the two beds.

I took away the shanks and replaced them for four wooden beams. Then simply drilled a few holes in the beams and put larger bolts and nuts in. For steps, I placed a Trofast cabinet/steps next to the bed, which is not in the picture..

It is a charming little bunk, because it is not 2 meters long as a usual bunk is. And as the kids grow taller, the beds are still convertible into longer beds!

Unfortunately the Vikare beds are not for sale anymore (in the Netherlands).

~ Barbara Kramer, the Netherlands
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