Giveaway weekend!

This giveaway is now closed.


Well, I’ve told you all before that I’m a bit of a freakedy freak – I kinda like to clean. Bordering on enjoy. Cleaning for me is like decluttering – when I’ve cleaned a space in our house it makes me fall in love with that room all over again. I feel like I can truly enjoy myself and relax in a clean space.

Clutter + mess = one skittish chick. Hives. Itching.

I’ve told you before how impressed I am with the Shaklee products from my advertiser Bonnie at Donahue Wellness. Shaklee produces a number of “green” items – including beauty products, supplements/vitamins and cleaning products.

We are gathered here today to talk about the latter – the fantastically wonderful cleaning products! I had not tried these before I “met” Bonnie a few months ago, and I was a bit skeptical of anything with the green label. I had been trying to incorporate more green cleaning products into my routine, but most of the time I found them to be way more expensive, and they worked just the same…sometimes not as well.

Enter Shaklee –- whooeeee! I LOVE THIS STUFF! I have told you before and I’ll tell you again, I would not gush over something unless it is truly gush-worthy, and this stuff is.

Last time we did a this giveaway, I showed you how I was surprised over and over at how easy it was to use the products, and how well they worked.

Well, I continue to be impressed with Shaklee. This time, I tried a few different products. I wanted to show you a couple – starting with my new favorite cleaning product…Scour Off:

scour off

We’ve lived in our house for six years now, and I’m going to tell you a dirty little secret – I never clean our oven. I’ve scraped off goo plenty of times after cooking, and have tried to clean the oven numerous times. Most of the time with products that just didn’t work, and with the self clean twice. But the self clean freaks me out. The fumes are intense – I’ve even read you should remove all people and animals from the house?!

OK, taking the three-year-old out is no biggie. But a three-year-old and three cats? Not happening. And who wants to leave their house when the oven is at 900 degrees? Not me. Both times I’ve I tried it, I turned it off mid-way because I couldn’t stand the smell.

So, when I got the Scour Off, I thought I would try it on our oven first. Here’s the before shots:


I cannot believe I show you people this stuff. Please forgive me for not cleaning my oven. Good thing I never cook.

I just took a wet sponge and dipped it into the Scour Off:

Can I tell you something fantastic? This stuff smells incredible. Like bubble gum. I kid you not. It looks like it too. I kept smelling it over and over. Almost licked it. (Totally kidding!) It smells yummy!

I just swirled it on the oven door and could not believe the result:


The last picture would have have been even cleaner, but the Bub was hungry and “Honey, Mommy is finally cleaning the oven!!” just wasn’t cutting it. ;)

Do you know how many times I’ve tried to clean that window and door? I’ve even tried to just scrap the junk off – didn’t work. I was squealing with glee! Now, next time I cook (in six months), I’ll have a clean oven!

We’ve been trying out other products as well, including the laundry supplies. It is insane how little you need to use. Just nuts.

I am loving the dryer sheets too -- (I took my Bounce Bar out to give them a try) – they are veggie-based so they’re biodegradable. And they split in two in the dryer to distribute more softness:

019Isn’t that cool?

As I’ve mentioned before, every time I use these products I say “Wow” out loud – I’m always impressed. I am now a Shaklee customer for life. (Seriously.)

Today while I was cleaning, I went through a few bins in our linen closet and pulled out all of the cleaning products the Shaklee Basic H2 Concentrate replaces:

H2 Concentrate

All of these – kitchen, cabinet, stainless steel and hardwood floor cleaners (and I forgot to put the window cleaner in the shot!):

Are now replaced with this:

Don’t believe me?:

What’s even crazier is I’ve had one bottle of the concentrate for four months – and I’ve mixed it into two spray bottles – one for upstairs and one for down. The concentrate is still not even half way gone.

AND – it’s only TWELVE DOLLARS. I would guess the products I pictured above cost at least $30. Because I hate clutter – I actually took all of those products down to the basement to our “extra” stash. But since I don’t use them anymore, I’ll probably just end up donating them.

Right now there is a special on the concentrate product – if you buy the 16 oz. size, you can get three spray bottles for half off. (The Shaklee spray bottles actually work and they are cauuute!)

To get even more of a discount on all Shaklee items, you can become a member here. With this membership you will get a 15 percent discount on anything you purchase through Bonnie’s site.

So now that I’m done gushing over the Shaklee products, let’s get to the really good part – Bonnie at Donahue Wellness has graciously offered a fantastic $50 of the Get Clean items FREE for one of you!! Yessss!

Here’s the drill – leave a comment here for your first entry. For your second entry, go to Bonnie’s Shaklee page and pick out a cleaning item you would love to try out. Come back here and leave a second comment with your favorite.

The giveaway will be open until Monday the 19th at noon Eastern time. Have a great weekend!

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