Materials: Frosta Stool, Stainless Steel Bowl, Wooden Table Top, Chalkboard Paint
Description: I knew if I could make a similar looking table to the Offi Woody Chalkboard Table
I used the stainlees steel bowl I bought at Home Goods to make the template for the middle cutout. This bowl is 7 1/2" wide. After tracing a circle around the bowl placed on top of the wood, I made another circle 7 1/4" wide so the the lip of the bowl would sit over the opening.
Next, I marked the center axis of the table top, and lightly drew an X on the underside of the table. These were my points to attach the FROSTA stool legs. Thanks to Ikea, with predrilled holes in the legs and supplied with the correct screws, I simply screwed the legs into place!
Last came painting the table top itself. I sanded and primed the top, and then added a few coats of Benjamin Moore chalkboard paint, and voila.
~ Meghan Shadrick, Boston, MA
See more on Meghan's Chalkboard table.
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