Super swank wall-o-shelves dresser

Materials: Expedit bookcases, Lekman bins

Description: We had two of the big daddy Expedit book cases and were using them with Lekman bins as a dresser. As you can see, it's not so hot looking to be able to see all of your clothes and such through the plastic, so we decided to make fronts. We bought foam core board, and cut them to size. I bought some really cheap cream burlap (like 2 bucks a yard) and we used a spray mount to cover the boards with fabric.

Then we hot glued them to the front of the plastic bins.

I ordered some vintage nobs on ebay. We poked holes in the center of the boards and used a super ghetto combination of washers and cardboard to connect them through the center holes of Lekman boxes.

Does that make sense?

Voila...super sleek looking storage with no socks showing through. Go ikea!

~ Alyssa, Los Angeles,
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