Vanity using IKEA Fastbo panels,Stainless IKEA kitchen Cabinet doors and Butcher Block Countertops

Materials: Fastbo Panels, Ikea Stainless Doors, Numerar Countertop

Description: We repurposed an existing vanity (builders beige) by removing the doors, then affixing the Fastbo panels to suit the Ikea standard kitchen cabinet stainless doors (not alot of work) - (sorry don't have the Ikea name of the stainless doors- they have a copper now but I havent seen the stainless in doors in a while.)

We then used Ikea butchers block NUMERAR countertop, stained it in ebony minwax stain and varnished with 5 coats polyurethane in high gloss.

Then added square sinks from Rona and faucets as well.

~ Colette, Ottawa, Ontario Canada
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  1. Great blog ! I am impressed with suggestions of author.
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  3. Hi, did you also cut the back mounting bracket (if so, does this still work well?), or did you use