Show me off: Fab transformations!

Well hello there! This week is positively flying by -- crazy! I can’t believe it’s almost the weekend already.

It’s time to show off a few more of you lovelies out there in blogland! I’ve received so many emails highlighting some incredible projects, and this post is all about taking the not-so-glamorous befores to fabulous afters!

First off, Myra at My Blessed Life found a gorgeous Craigslist vanity for her foyer:


It wasn’t in the best shape though, so she sanded it down and painted it a beeeautiiful lime green!:IMG_3051

Yes, I said LIME. Isn’t that stunning? I just love that color. (It’s a Home Depot color match to Huntington Green by Benjamin Moore.) 

She styled it wonderfully…perfection!:

You can see more about this transformation on Myra’s site.

Sara (what a fantastic name, really) at It’s Good to be Queen (love THAT name too!) was a little over the finish and wear on their kitchen table and chairs:

But they had fantastic lines, didn’t they? So in a weekend she transformed it into this:


The power of paint never ceases to amaze me. Seriously. AND Sara is my hero because she has three kids and was able to accomplish this in just a few days! You can see the process she used here.

Lisa at Got Good Love had a hand me down kitchen table that was also in a honey finish:


Because it was solid maple, they were able to sand it down and stain the set a lovely dark expresso color:


Sigh – I’m such a sucker for a dark stain…love it! (Lisa has not blogged about this project but she can probably answer any questions if you visit her site here.

Erica at Making a Home Sweet Home took an old bathroom cabinet:

And gave it new life with white paint and some super cute fabric:

EricaShe lined the back of the cabinet as well as the back of the mirror – LOVE it! You can see how Erica did this one by visiting her here.

Amanda over at Craft it Unique has a studio with dark 70’s paneling, and she was trying to figure out a way to brighten up the space. She took the door:

(This is the other side of the door.)

And did a really fun and creative treatment to dress it up:


Isn’t that TOO fun? I absolutely love it!! You can see how Amanda painted the door here.

And finally, Jessica at My Quarter Life Crisis transformed their whole family room by taking their fireplace:

And amping it up just a smidge. Or a whole heckuva lot:


But you know what? I (believe) the only change is the painted brick. Isn’t that amazing? I stared at the before and afters forever, trying to pinpoint what else was different, because it looked so…well…different. :)

Her fabulous accessorizing sure doesn’t hurt either! Fabulous! You can see more of her before and after here.

I loved all of these projects – the possibilities are endless with a quart of paint and some imagination of what could be.

Got a room redo or project you want me to highlight? Send me an email (thriftydecorchick (at) gmail (dot) com) with links and pictures and put “Show Me Off” in the subject line!

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