Our (tiny!) fall porch

We have what is probably the teeniest porch EVER. We didn’t even think about it when we picked out this house though – we loved the exterior so much. It’s another one of those things you realize later…it would be nice to have a porch to sit and rock on. And maybe to decorate.  :)

But I have found ways to make it work for each season, and fall and Christmas are of course, my favorites. It’s these times of year that I quite love our little porch, because little changes make a BIG impact.

I showed you my Dollar Tree wreath a few weeks ago:

Not many of you believed our door really isn’t blue – it just photographs that way close up. ;)

My tried and true addition to the porch are my corn husks:

corn husks

I mean really – you couldn’t get more fall than these!! I get bunches of them at a local nursery and I’ve seen them sold for $5.50 to $7 a bunch. (At least around here, where the corn isn’t hard to come by!)

On a recent True Value trip, I about squealed when I saw the HUGE mums they had:

They were only $5 EACH! I could not believe it! Plants this big are at least $15, usually more.

They are just about to burst open – any day now!

One of the items I took from my father-in-law’s house was his American flag:

He immigrated to this country 60 years ago and became a U.S. citizen. I’ve always been so proud of him for that, and he was so proud to be an American.

The beautiful new flag was the perfect finishing touch for our fall porch:

Oh, and the pumpkins from our weekend trip to the patch don’t hurt! I absolutely fell. in. love. with the green pumpkins. :)

I usually plant mums in the window boxes, but this year I was taken with the kale:

We’ve gotten SO little rain over the past few months, so these beauties should hold up well. I stuck some (fake!) pumpkins in with them, and I absolutely love how full and pretty they are!

And a cutie patootie peeking out sure helps too:

OH, be still my heart. :)

Our itty bitty porch is so easy to make over for the holidays – just a few additions make a HUGE difference:

Just in time to string the purple and orange Halloween lights everywhere!

And speaking of Halloween -- no worries, I move everything off the steps and porch that night, so there’s plenty of room for the kiddies. :)

So, do you decorate your porch for fall? Do you have an itty bitty porch like ours, or a big one? If you tell me you have a porch swing, I’m officially, totally jealous. :)


*I was one of the bloggers selected by True Value to work on the DIY Squad. I have been compensated for my time commitment to the program as well as my writing about my experience. I have also been compensated for the materials needed for my DIY project. However, my opinions are entirely my own and I have not been paid to publish positive comments.*

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