Corner Cabinet + Countertop Hack

Materials: Varde, Akurum, Lidi and Besta

Description: We had a bare corner in our small kitchen that we couldn't decide how to fill till my husband came up with this idea. He wants to add another cabinet above this one in the future but for now, we have this free standing corner counter cabinet that he customized to our space and needs.

This is a stock Ikea cabinet with a stock door, Besta legs (you'd normally see used to prop up an Expedit bookcase) and a Varde wooden wood block that had to be cut in half and power sanded down to match the smooth, rounded off edges.

I love this cabinet. It's an excellent use of our space, materials and time. This took him all of two hours to put together - most of that time was the power cutting of the counter and then the power sanding of the edges. The cabinet itself took, maybe, 20 minutes to assemble. And the price was right for us, too. I recommend this straight forward, lovely looking hack!

See more of the Akurum corner cabinet.

~ Stacerella
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