Old coffee presses for new

Materials: KAFFE coffee press, FÖRSTÅ coffee press

Description: A minor but potentially useful hack: I broke the glass carafe of my old KAFFE French press, and went to replace it on my next IKEA run. However, I was dismayed to discover that the KAFFE had been discontinued and replaced with the FÖRSTÅ press, whose mechanism I instantly hated because the handle is a big disk that's big and clumsy and sticky when being pushed down.

I bought it anyway (I needed a French press), but when I got it home I was relieved to discover that it is the exact same size and shape as the KAFFE press. So I simply unscrewed the (rather battered) filter unit from the bottom of the KAFFE mechanism, replaced it with the new one, and continued to use my old KAFFE handle with the new filter and glass carafe.

Those who need to replace their KAFFE carafe and who (like me) hate the new FÖRSTÅ lid and handle will be relieved to know that all the other parts have the same form factor as KAFFE.

~ Matt, Montreal
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