Kids Shoebox Dual Computer Cabinet

Materials: Sandnes Shoe Rack, Svala Chairs

Description: I worked out that the Sandnes show rack was a complete waste of time for storing shoes. With a couple of changes the unit makes an awesome computer cabinet for two small children 4-8 years old.

I am writing this almost 4 years after building it and about 6 months after I sold it. I can't find any pictures of the build stage, so I just have the ones I took when I sold it on Ebay.

I bought the Sandnes new, and put the frame of it together. Instead of using the plastic hinge parts, I connected normal door hinges on the center edge of the lower doors, and between the bottom and top doors on each side. This allows the top to lower as a keyboard shelf and the bottom opens to allow access to the main PC box for putting in CD's and turning it on.

I made a new back board which holds the monitors up. This was done by using the Ikea panel bolts and retainers on both sides of a sheet of 19mm Melamine chip board. The back only goes down about half way so the PC's still get plenty of air. I pulled the monitor stand apart and managed to fix them directly to the back board without buying a proper VESA mount, but you could do that if you wish.

As I was in a rental property, I did not want to attach the unit to the wall, So I rebuilt the legs to give some stability, but this would not be needed if you are happy to screw it to the wall as originally intended.

I attached the PC's by removing the top lid and putting screw directly through the base into the back of the lower door. The choice of PC is critical, as it needs to fit! Don't forget to allow for the plugs at the rear!

A piece of chain holds the top door in place just below horizontal. I did have the keyboard screwed to the door so the kids could not move them and they wouldn't scratch the monitor.

I installed magnetic child locks to stop the unit being opened without help as well as hold the top door shut. A barrel bolt was used to keep the bottom door shut.

A set of Svala chairs were just the right size to finish the unit off.

The kids loved this setup and it is a shame they grew out of it.

~ David Haddon, Brisbane, Australia
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