calling for canadian hackers!

jenny from CBC Television wants to do a segment on ikeahacking. so, if you're canadian, this is your chance for 15 minutes of fame. just drop her an email if you're interested.

"We're looking for CANADIAN people who have done something interesting to a room in their house or a really cool home decor project in their home, and want to show it off. This is for a Canadian-wide talk show about home design and decor on the CBC. The projects or rooms should be interesting, innovative and TV-worthy, and something that the person who created it really wants to boast about. If you've taken a piece of Ikea furniture (or an entire room full!) and really transformed it into something interesting and beautiful, if you've somehow created a room that looks high-end but really it's a clever use of all Ikea furniture, if you've crafted items and made them your own (etc, etc) then we want to hear from you! Interested people should send a quick blurb about their project/room/home along with photos, if possible. Please do not send an email if you're not Canadian, we can only feature people across Canada. Send your submissions to tryanskj [at] cbc [dot] ca." - jenny
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