a little light for the wall

been to modernself lately? it is always full of fantastic diy projects besides glimpses of eric's very cool apartment, which incidentally, will be vying for spot on the apartment therapy's smallest coolest apartment contest 2007. anyways, he sent me one of his projects - a LED light box - which is a great idea if you want to add interest to your pictures.

"what we built was nothing more than a simple LED light box, and it would be perfect for displaying any picture. the basic materials for this project were the ribba frame and the trettioen LED light strips from ikea. the ribba frame is perfect for this project because it features a deep set wood frame and it is inexpensive at $20. i was also able to get the LED strips for $20 even though the retailed at $50.

the LED light box is a great way to make artwork a very bright focal point of your room. plus, it usually gets the, 'how'd you do that?' comment from anyone who sees it."

click for instructions on modernself.

eric's other ikea hacks:
> diffused kitchen lighting
> alang pendant lamp
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