Stairway to cat heaven

pet hacks are often the most fun hacks i come across. whimsical, cute, funny. i think it just goes with the territory of being a pet owner.

regan sent me this catstairs hack, inspired by and entries from apartment therapy's pet decor challenge.

"it's pretty self-explanatory and hardly hacky, but i had to share since i didn't see it on the site yet. it's cat stairs made of two sets of the cascading lack wall shelves, minus a few pieces (two in my case), and a lack side table, minus the legs.

to get this look, you'll want to flip the table upside down so that the unfinished side faces the ceiling. the amount of lack shelves you use will depend on the agility of your cat (how far off the ground you put the first step) and how high your ceiling is (the top of the landing on mine is at 70 inches and leaves just enough for a kitty to stretch without hitting the overhang).

i used metal braces from the hardware store under each horizontal shelf and large brackets on the table, plus glued a corrugated cardboard slip guard to each step, to ensure any felines occupants would be coming down of their own accord. plus, since i didn't use two of the pieces from one of the lack shelves, now i have a matching mini side table, once i drill holes in the proper spots to attach the unused legs from the table."
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