Stowaway cable and router storage boxes

Alex finally had enough of ugly cables snaking under his new LCD TV and decided to put them in place, in a box.

He says, "A Mac Mini, Nintendo Wii, PS3, external hard drives, a router and a 5.1. surround system meant a lot of cables. So I decided to 'pimp' 2 Ikea Emu belonging to my girlfriend with my DremelDremel cordless drill.

Materials needed:
1 Dremel 3000
2 Ikea Emu
3 power strips
some zip ties

1. In the larger Emu I cut a little rectangle in the front for reaching the main on-off switch with the lid still closed. So after watching TV, DVD or playing PS 3 I can easily shut off all media units (red switch). No 'stand-by' all night and day. Saves me a lot of money due to no unnecessary energy consumption!


2. I cut a rectangle hole at the backs of each Emu for cable routing from the back.

3. The only 'always-on' unit is my router due to VOIP and WLAN for my notebook in another room.

In the smaller router Emu I also cut a little square in the lid so that the antenna is can work properly.

4. To help the boxes glide smoothly I glued some felt-gliders under each corner of the Emu.

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  1. Great blog ! I am impressed with suggestions of author.
  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
  3. Hi, did you also cut the back mounting bracket (if so, does this still work well?), or did you use