Your Ikea hack could lead to design fame and a new sponsor

Is your Lack-Billy-Akurum Frankenstein a winner? There's only one way to find out. Platform21, BRIGHT and Superuse are running a contest and the winning design will be exhibited at the Bienniale Montreal 2009 and in the BRIGHT stand during Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven. Submit before 15 September for your shot at fame.

Go here for details.


Next, please welcome Ikeahacker's latest sponsor eRoomService, an online store that offers modern designer furniture. I spent an hour or so drooling over its amazing collection of living, dining, bedroom and children furniture. Way, way gorgeous! Definitely not stuff you'll find at your local Ikea. Hop over and check them out.

Interested in advertising on Ikeahacker? Email me at ikeahacker [at] gmail [dot] com for rates.
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  1. Great blog ! I am impressed with suggestions of author.
  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
  3. Hi, did you also cut the back mounting bracket (if so, does this still work well?), or did you use