Ikea leftover's garbage can with auto open

Materials: Bolmen Garbage Can, Blanken Corner Wall Shelf, Deka Curtain Wire w/ Clips, Ikea Knob from Dresser, Grundtal Rail Ends & Rationell Variera plastic rail guide.

Description: So when we moved to our new home I encountered a problem that I couldn't find a garbage can that would fit under my sink, there wasn't an auto open can small enough that could clear the pipes and such.

I bought the Bolmen garbage can as a temporary measure until I found something better. But one day, with a flash of brilliance, I combined it with host of other items I had and made exactly what I wanted.

The Grundtal Rail ends supply bottom support for the Blanken corner wall shelf to mount to with zip ties I had left over from some Ikea cord tubing I had bought.

The can itself is held in place using a Rationell Variera rail guide that was an extra we got in a package, the groove of the can fits nicely into the groove of the guide.

Lastly I used some spare Deka curtain wire minus the clips that was used for an art installation and fixed one end to the counter the other to the lid with just enough slack so when the door is opened the lid opens up.

I used a knob from an old Ikea dresser we had to attach to the other end of the Deka on the underside of the lid to provide a bit of weight to assist the lid return when the door closes.

Lastly I attached the can to the corner wallshelf with some screws, because sometimes when near empty the can would sometimes pop out and fall over.

Sounds like a lot eh? It was actually pretty easy.

~ mcquarris
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