Before and After Party: Craigslist love

Dearest Craigslist,

So, you know way back when, when I may have said that you give me the heebies? Like, I don’t like strange people coming to my house, heebies?

Well, I take it all back. Well, not the strange people coming to my house part. The part where I acted like I anything-less-than loved you. Cause I do. Very, very much.

You are now my latest BFF. I have many of them, but being the latest one makes you extra special. For about a week.




Do you have spots in your house that always bug you, and you can’t put your finger on what it is, so you just keep messing with it?

I have a few, but the one that got my attention last week was our foyer. I showed you back on this post how our foyer had started out like this:

With a very large Ballard Designs art print (bought on discount at the outlet, whoohoo!) and our hall table. I never seemed right, so I took the mirror from the family room instead:

And I liked it for awhile, but lately I’ve realized what’s been bugging me really hasn’t been what’s on the wall, it’s what’s below it.

Enter Craigslist. (This is where hearts flutter out of my eyes.) I downloaded the Craigslist app on my phone a few months ago, and would play around with it every once and a while. Last week, I looked up dressers, just to see what I would find.

Um, what I found was THREE pieces I thought I may just curl up and die without. Dannnngah! What the heck? Why did I have to find three?

I ended up picking one, but after I got home with it, I realized the length of the dresser was really a foot longer than what the the seller told me it was. Meaning it was MASSIVE and there was no way it was fitting in this space. I put it in a different spot (which I luuuurve and will show you soon.)

But gosh darn it. That meant I may have to try to get another one I loved.  ;) I decided if the one I wanted was still available a couple days later, it would be “meant to be” and I’d go get it.

Well Squeezies, it was meant. to. be. The piece was still there, waiting for me. So it came home with me. And all was right with the world:

Awww yeah, it was PERFECT! But of course, then nothing else was right. The skinny lamp that I had on the hall table was lost on there, and I was craving some COLOR against that black.

So I took this vintage lamp I had spray painted last year:

And sprayed it with a green paint I had in my stash. A new drum shade (stolen from another lamp) and I was in love:

I’m also in love with these two:


I am so into the look of non symmetrical wall displays right now, so I decided to try something similar using what I already had.

I spray painted the frame on some art I’ve had since college:

Then I took some Rub n Buff (can you believe I had never used it?):

And touched up the raised parts:

It was SO easy to use! I love this stuff!

I took an old frame that held an adorable photo of my hubby (that is going in a new spot) and replaced it with part of an old art print:

The greens in the art match the new lamp color perfectly!

The round mirror was too busy for what I was going for – ideally I’d love one with a big, chunky frame, but because I had bought two pieces of furniture within days, I figured it would be best I didn’t spend any more money. My marriage is important to me.  ;)

So I took a mirror from upstairs and added some Rub n Buff to the detail:

And I’m pretty happy with the result, especially for only using what I had around the house:

The piece is actually a buffet, which is exactly what I was looking for in this spot! It has a lovely little curve to it:

I did end distressing it just a tad, just to add some character:

OK, let’s be real here folks. It will get “distressed” around here anyway, so I decided to beat the wear and tear to the punch. :)

It has SO much storage, and storage makes me soooo very happy:


I love love LOVE this buffet/dresser/lovely thing!:

I’m still messing around with accessories, and may be on the lookout for different art. But for only spending money on the furniture, I’m pretty happy with it!:

By the way, the buffet was $160 – way more than I wanted to spend, but I could not get it out of my head peeps! It was love at first sight. And the fact that it was still available after a couple days means it was meant to be for us, me and my Craigslist buffet.  ;)

So, my before:

And my after, thanks to my latest BFF:

Now it’s time for you to link it up! As always, I ask that you please link to your blog post, not your blog address (by right clicking on your blog post, copy shortcut, then paste into the linky.

I would love it if you would link back to my site and use this purdy little button:


The party will be open to links until next Tuesday, July 13th. Have FUN and enjoy!

I hope you all had a GREAT Fourth of July holiday!!

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