Kitchen redo: Week ?? (and Indy Style!)


Hello there! Are you ready for the holiday weekend? We sure are – we’ve been preparing every night this week by setting off fireworks and annoying the crap out of the neighbors participating in the festivities. Our son is OBSESSED with fireworks this year.  :)

Some of you may remember I was one of the VERY fortunate bloggers to be picked by American Express to use Membership Reward Points for our kitchen redo! The points are gone, but I have most everything I need to finish up the space. I’m still trying to figure out a few of the details, which I’ll talk about in a bit.

I haven’t gotten nearly as much done as I wanted recently, but there is a little bit of progress. I mentioned a few weeks ago that I wanted to make some kind of fridge surround:


But when I showed you the beadboard backsplash, one of you brilliant Squeezies mentioned putting it on the side of the fridge – uhhhh – that is SMART.

I thought hard about how I could do it without having to use Liquid Nails on the side of the fridge, and I finally decided on heavy duty Velcro: 

Since I had bought extra beadboard to do the fridge, I went ahead and continued it along the side wall as well:

It’s not built in for reals, but it gives the illuuuuuusion that it is. :) What I love is I don’t even notice the side of the fridge anymore – before the black stuck out big time (especially with the white backsplash!)

I’ve planned all along to put glass fronts on a few of our cabinets, but I after looking through just a few (or 50) kitchen reno mags, I found I also loved the look of open cabinetry – no doors at all!

To see how I liked it in a couple spots, I took the doors off and we’ve lived with it for a while. Besides having an urge to shut the cabinet door that NOT THERE every. single. time. I walk by, I love the look!

I cut some simple strips of wood that I stuck against the edge of the shelves to give it a more built in look:

My plan is to go ahead and paint the inside of this cabinet, and see what I think. Then I’ll decide if I want to keep the door and add the glass, or just leave them open. (I’d have to paint them anyway, with the glass doors.)

I’m struggling with how many doors should have glass if I go that route – most of the cabinets I’d have open are all on one side of the room. The cabs with the not-so-pretty stuff are all on the other, so I don’t want to show of the contents of those. :)

I took the doors off of the cabs above our stove:

I was inspired by these wine racks you can get with IKEA cabinetry:

And I’m going to attempt my own. :) We will see how that turns out!

The inside of that one will get painted inside as well, and if I go ahead with this idea, I’ll have to cut out the center piece that goes between the doors – which is totally freaking me out!!  :)

Anyone with glass fronts or open cabs – how did you decide which ones to open up and how many did you do? This one has me stumped!

I added some trim to the shades that came with the new light fixture:

The trim is super cute and was a STEAL half off at Joann’s, but I’m not sure I love how thick it is on these shades:

Just like everything else I do that I’m not sure about, I’ll live with it for a while. The answer comes to me eventually.  ;)

I love love LOVE the new rug from Pottery Barn for under the table!:

It’s so light and fresh and it still hides EVERYTHING! Whoohoo! It’s an outdoor rug that’s made to look like jute. I love that it’s not quite as thick as real jute, so it’s easier to move the chairs in and out from the table.

The only thing I’m a teensy bit worried about is the little tufts that are coming up:


I don’t know if I just snip them down and see how they do or maybe pull them through to the other side? I could just flip the rug but that table is wicked heavy, so we do that as little as possible. :)

I still haven’t hung the new pantry door:

But I do think I’ve decided on the color for that, the base of the table and the island – black for the first two and a little something different on the island:

It has sat like this forEVER and I’m glad I didn’t continue with my idea to paint it cream. (That is just primer on there now.) The beadboard backsplash was going to be cream at first, and I didn’t like it at all. Then I saw the light island with the white backsplash and it was just too matchy matchy to me.

Sooooo…I think the island’s going apple green. :) I’m a little scared and a whole lot excited to try this out – I’m going to go for a pale apple green, not a bright one, so I’m hoping it ties in OK. ACK, I have no idea! But I won’t know if I like it until I try!

Now I just have to find the perfect apple green, and I think I know where to find it:

The Bub’s old nursery had three tones of apple green in it, and I still have some left over. :)

Next step is to get our IKEA butcher block cut down to size for the island – but I want to have a professional do that so it’s a SUPER clean cut. Any fellow Hoosiers in the Indy area know of anyone who has a very large table saw? Let me know!

Soooo…there you go! It’s definitely coming together – slowly but surely. I hope to have it finished up in the next month, but I never set a date cause that’s just the kiss of death. :)

In other news, I was on the Indy Style show again this morning, and I’ll be a monthly guest from now on!:

Are you surprised I talked about beadboard? NO?! :)

Mental note for next time – put twice as much makeup on and find something to do with my hands!! (I need a pointer or something. Seriously.)

NOTE: July’s Before and After Party will be Tuesday night next week – I know the Fourth fun is spread out over the whole weekend so I’m pushing it back a bit.

Have a safe and fun Fourth!


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